My mind aches for this

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You should have buy a bigger gun , not the James Bond Walther 22.

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Meeting some one new, maybe talked, texted, even voice chat, knowing they are sadistic, but thinking im safe, after all they said i could trust them…not supposed to tell anyone, just meet up…had some wine, smoked a bit just to keep up my courage…the car pulls up, i slide in…is that some one in the back seat…why…what….

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I think my friend Jolie saw you. She texted me while she was sitting at one of the outdoor tables at Cava, waiting for someone. She said it looked like something kinky was going on. No one's heard from her since. But it's not the first time Jolie's disappeared.

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is in this modern world that we live in, with all the tech and ideologies and cults and all that, seeing that step into the unknown, that brave first step of deciding to meet with other via text like in your essay, to risk all what is perceived in reality. It feels like intimacy growing out of nowhere, it fills me with life and pumps me up. I've been there a few times and it took me back.

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To meet the unknown is the best adrenalin. It has transforms me few times. And risks are erotic, deeply erotic.

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An incredibly teasing introduction from a uniquely talented person. I long to see where this goes.

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If the meeting happens, we will be sure to make a story of it.

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you burn my finger tips

with your red hot cigarette tip words


defeated today

by the impossible expanse of it

of you

of your incredible madness


i will come back after they heal

to eat the pain

like it is nothing

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Madness of fiction is the salt of real life

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you have a lot of strength

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Hi Sissitrix, one day or night, we shall meet in a place of profound, dark mystery, a world underground where all are welcome, none are turned away, and pleasure reeks of pleasure like a fine Comte cheese bunker or underground Bordeaux store. Thank you for writing me into your incredible story. I hope you are having a wonderful Sunday.

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Hi Kate, one day or night, we shall meet! And I love how the Kate Granger you have built.

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I love it and thank you so much for your art and our friendship

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As one who is very submissive it was difficult to determine who was the dangerous one in this short…

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Maybe both are dangerous, Ken, but since danger is a perception, perhaps we are harmless.

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So true, those who are submissive can lead a Dominant down a path that they would not have taken otherwise…topping from below can lead to catastrophe if both parties are uncertain of limits and consequences…

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I believe the sub is the more powerful in a consent relationship. But there is so many play to be made, it is a never-ended game.

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The sub does have a certain amount of power in a consent relationship, in my experience that lasts until the Domme observes that the sub is ready to be taken further, indeed past previous hard limits, as has happened to me in the past and i was so happy that Sherecognized…also i have a fondness for CNC

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I agree, when a breaking point is crossed what happens afterwards can be a sublime moment.

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