My beloved reader, here we are Spring, Sun, and Sex! My stamina is at its highest level, and I dream of Europe on the shore of Atlantic City, New Jersey.
I started this unfinished story almost two years ago. It was named Dominicon, and it was perhaps too big to exist. We may also talk about the way I create.
Tad-am, today we wrap this newsletter #41 together. Have a nice Sunday!
Dominicon, a sex fantasy tale
It is October 2021. At that moment, I’m obsessed by the Satyricon of Fellini, and I drink a coffee in Italy, in front of the Como Lake. I draw a title, but is it enough?
I want to write and draw a fantastic sexual epic story populated with latex monsters and ferocious mistresses. I think about all these black and white arty movies.
I was reminded of this moment in my life this Wednesday. It was #AlienDay on Twitter and my attempt to do a sex opera with kinky monster came back to mind.
I was determined and collected lustfully dozens of images to build a solid image bank to refer for my coming story. To say it short, on my way to write THE story!
Somehow I get stuck between two monsters who tried to eat me alive. I could only save myself and I was happy to have saved my life in this time-consuming project.
The dream of doing a sexual Satyricon faded after a few attempts. I guess my trip to Italy brought me to other muses, and I lost the grip I had on that kinky morning.
I reused the materials for a new story and forget about the story until that week. I hope you enjoy this sweet reminder of my past arty journeys as much as I do.
All that bring me to my creating process, I learned the hard way that I can only focus on very small projects that I can get off the ground quickly. Here is three rules…
How I create?
I like to discover how others create art. So I guess it is fair to share pieces of my creative process. Let’s start with these principles I tried to apply to myself:
The one-hour-only project rule. Whatever takes me more than an hour is too big to succeed, so I cut my expectations and start a timer on my phone.
The copy-paste-reorder writing. I write, and steal, every word I like. I paste the text into my file to create paragraphs. I reorganize them to make a story.
The what-makes-me-wet rule. If I am not excited about what I am doing, who else would be? I work for my self-pleasure, not for a like (even if I love it.)
What are your personal work rules? Oh please, tell me more in the comments…
Here ends our time together. I hope it brought you some joy. I will talk to you next time on May 14. And do not forget to share the excitement of that kinky spring!
I love you my dearest,