My Dearest,
I often read messages about my Sex Pods devices born eighteen months ago in the Fuck Factory. Some of you would sleep in it every night if I could ship you a unit.
So let’s slide in one of them — one more time.
Sex Pods Evolution History
The first known version of the Sex Pods was used by Mistress Victoria de Cock for her toys in her infamous Fuck Factory in Miami (the place is now dismantled.)
Sex Pods originally came from an experience out of a sex box. Roughly, the idea was to use a random body by opening holes in a box to use it as an object.
Uninformed sources have seen the Sex Pods in a basement in Washington D.C. They called them “Sex Drones” (read here the full story) and it was a mess.
It is said that the sex pod were later involved in a scandal related to the Jan. 6 events at the Capitol. I talked about it in my article on Sexual Surveillance.
Then, the Sex Pods have then been notoriously used by Doctor Sissitrix in a secret factory located in Sin Street (read here about these sex pods.)
If you follow Sin Street stories, you already know that the Sex Pods have reached the stage of mass production. Not yet on Amazon, but it will be soon available!
What a journey for a sexual device! As I am talking to you a research team is already working on a new version. Once a Sex Explorer, always a Sex Explorer!
Also, because there are no small victories, this is the newsletter #50, and four hundred of you read me. Thank you for keeping me in your secret sexy place.
Enjoy sex. Whatever you do during night, do it harder!
Love always,
As good ass always.
Your artwork is outstanding Sissitrix. The images tell such an incredible, evocative story it’s truly amazing. Bravo!